Ungrafted vine

Ungrafted vine

At the end of the 19th century, Phylloxera, an insect of the Phylloxeridae family, devasted entire vineyards by attacking the vine root system. The remedy to protect the vitis vinifera was to graft it on the American (wild) vine, that is resistant to Phylloxera.
This procedure has been passed down to today and, for this reason, currently almost the whole productive vineyards is based on the graft on American vines, causing, inevitably, a loss of the pure identity of our variety of grapes.
Phylloxera, however, does not survive in a sandy volcanic soil, because of chemical and physical reasons. That’s why our viticulture, growing on Vesuvius, is "ungrafted" " i.e. without grafting the vitis vinifera on American vine. The roots are completely authentic and “free”, and so every vine can preserve intact peculiarities of plants, of their fruits and, of course, of the deriving wines.

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